Ottershaw & West Addlestone
Residents Association
Representing all residents in our ward.
Ottershaw I West Addlestone I Residents Association I OWARA
OWARA NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT – please join today
Join or renew OWARA
Annual Membership £5 per household.
Please pay by bank transfer to: Lloyds Bank account 79125360, sort code 30 98 97
Ottershaw & West Addlestone Residents Association - Using your name as a reference on the payment.
Alternatively you can send a cheque made payable to OWARA Deliver/post to Lantern Cottage, Brox Lane, Ottershaw KT16 0LL
Be sure to email confirming the transaction PLUS your contact details
Thank you for helping OWARA to protect and promote residents’ interests across the Ottershaw Ward.
Membership runs from 1st July annually.
Members will be reminded by email in June
OWARA’s full name is ‘Ottershaw & West Addlestone Residents Association’
OWARA complies with GDPR
Join or renew OWARA membership
Annual Membership
5£Valid for one year